The other day me and my friend Thaisa enjoyed a beautiful summer day in Coney Island, Brooklyn's most famous beach! Besides, that's where Luna Park is located, the most iconic amusement park in the area (I will blog about them soon)! Since I was going there I decided to wear some bracelets I got from Dona Nina, a Brazilian online store. Everyone close to me knows that I'm obsessed with accessories but it's almost impossible to wear anything and not get an allergic reaction (to either plastic or metal). Imagine how happy I was when I spent all day with Dona Nina's creations and had no allergic reaction at al!! I was wearing a simple and comfy outfit (jumper from American Eagle and top from Hollister) so I thought the bracelets would be perfect to add a special touch to it! And of course, the pieces are so beautiful that made me wanna blog about them as well<3 <3 Hope you guys like it! You can check their online store here:

Outro dia passei uma tarde linda de verão em Coney Island, a famosa praia do Brooklyn. Como o dia estava super gostoso entrei no clima e fui de jardineira da American Eagle e um top da Hollister. Para incrementar, coloquei as pulseiras que recebi da loja Dona Nina e posso dizer que pela primeira vez na vida estou usando acessórios que não me dão alergia! Quem me conhece sabe que adorooo anel, pulseira, colar…mas é só uma questão de tempo até começarem a me deixar coçando. Imaginem minha alegria quando passei o dia inteirinho com elas e nada da alergia se manifestar? Amei tanto tanto tanto que precisava compartilhar com vocês, porque itens de bom gosto e qualidade são sempre bem vindos, né?!! A loja deles online é esta aqui: e está cheia de acessórios LINDOS *.*