Brooklyn é um dos bairros de Nova York que você precisa conhecer! E outro dia fomos fazer algo que eu sempre quis, comer um brunch em um dos muitos espalhados por Williamsburg, uma área super legal de lá! Tinham tantas opções que quase fiquei louca lendo reviews e mais reviews! Mas decidimos pagar pra ver e acabamos escolhendo um que parecesse aconchegante ou pelo menos diferente dos que vemos em Manhattan. Fomos então no Rabbithole. Achei a comida super gostosa! Preço bom, decoração simples, meio rústica e única! Não é muuuito grande mas não tivemos que esperar para sentar e todo mundo foi bem atencioso! Em dias quentes eles tem uma área aberta nos fundos e dizem que os coquetéis são excelentes! Gostei da experiência e queria compartilhar com vocês! Comi uma salada de beterraba com queijo de cabra que estava uma delícia! Mas todo mundo pediu algo mais típico de brunch mesmo e eu me dei bem porque experimentei um pouquinho de cada um e estava tudo divino :) ! As batatinhas gratinadas então…Sonho com elas! Ninguém quis provar da minha salada de beterraba mas eu recomendo, viu?! Muito gostosa mesmo! Aconselho muito tirar uma manhã para explorar aquela área do Brooklyn, não faltam cafés e lugares fofos assim para conhecer e provar delícias locais! Tem algum outro que vocês recomendam conhecer?!

Brooklyn is one of the neighborhoods in New York that you have to go! I've been only few times but I wish I had more time to explore. And the other day we decided to do something I always wanted to do: have brunch in Williamsburg , a super cool area in Brooklyn! When I was "goggleing" for the perfect place for brunch, there were sooo many choices that I almost went crazy reading reviews and more reviews! But we ended up choosing one that seemed cozier and different from what we see in Manhattan . The chosen one was the Rabbithole . And it was indeed a great choice! The food was sooo delicious! The price was good in a rustic and unique environment! Everyone loved it! The staff was very helpful and friendly and even though the place isn't so big, we didn't have to wait long to be seated at all. On warmer days they have a nice backyard available and I heard that the cocktails are excellent! I enjoyed the experience very much and wanted to share with you ! What I had for brunch? I was on diet mode, so I ate a beet salad with goat cheese that was delicious! I tried a little bit from everyone's plate though (you know, just so I can give my best opinion to you! hahaha) and everything was divine :) ! The potatoes .. hmmm! I even dream about them! Nobody wanted to try my beet salad but I recommend!! I highly recommend taking a morning off to explore that area of Brooklyn, there are so many cafes and cute places to see and taste local delicacies ! Definitely a different experience! Let me know when you stop by the Rabbit Hole, I can't wait to hear it about it! How to get there?
352 Bedford Ave
(Between 5th St & 4th Street)
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Telefone: (718) 782-0910

Um pouquinho de Williamsburg:

Como chegar:
352 Bedford Ave
(entre 5th St & 4th Street)
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Telefone: (718) 782-0910
Loved it! I went there this weekend with my boyfriend! Thank you for the tips!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you liked it :) I really enjoyed this place - as you can see !! xoxo
ReplyDeleteotima companhia! Otima materia! Adorei querida!
ReplyDeleteCom certeza! Precisamos voltar em breve!!